Senin, 16 Juli 2012

Jika Hewan-Hewan Mengalami Kegemukan (Lucu Banget)

posted by: Dunia Andromeda
This chick is just too cute, but it could do with shedding a few pounds
Amerika Serikat menghadapi kenyataan bahwa pada tahun 2030 hampir 50 persen dari penduduknya akan besar-besaran mengalami kelebihan berat badan, karena setiap orang menjejali tubuh  mereka dengan junk food dan tidak pernah sempat  untuk berolahraga.

Namun, obesitas bukan hanya masalah yang dihadapi oleh manusia, dunia hewan juga, karena setiap  gorila, tupai, harimau dan gajah dll ,setiap hari berkutat dengan hukum alam bertahan untuk hidup.makan atau dimakan,memangsa atau dimangsa...

Meskipun mereka obesitas layaknya manusia, gambar-gambar lucu makhluk berlemak dan gemuk membayangkan sebuah dunia di mana kegemukan tidak hanya duniaandromedaku.blogspot.comterbatas untuk lebih memanjakan manusia, tetapi termasuk dunia hewan juga.
Who ate all the nuts? This is what a squirrel would look like if animals were as obese as humans

Large: Giraffes are usually elegant creatures but this one looks pretty hefty
Big momma: Elephants are fairly large anyway but this one has a few spare pounds round its middle
Problem solved: Maybe Burger King wasn't the smartest move...
Does my bum look big in this? They say stripes are flattering but really...
Here kitty, kitty: Tigers aren't so terrifying when they're too fat to move!
Budge over: You know there's a problem when you can't fit in your home anymore
It's a dog's life: You gotta feel sorry for this overfed pooch
It's a hard life: Being this large can cause health problems
Greedy: Eating too much and not doing enough exercise can make you overweight
Fitting in: The penguin on the left will stand out among friends
Held back: This horse might have problems getting over jumps with that girth
This chick is just too cute, but it could do with shedding a few pounds
anak bebek ini masih terlihat lucu meskipun kelebihan beban beberapa ons

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