posted by: Dunia Andromeda
I know that there are already threads that talkin bout sex position, but what i offer to you as viewer now is the more fun, and simple applicable positions that you and your wife/husband could easily try, than what you have already viewed on those other threads.
A. Water sex position [@ tub or pool or even ocean]
#1Hot-tub hug

erotic instruction:
Start with your guy sitting on the bench with his knees bent and legs slightly spread, leaning back with his arms outstretched and resting on the edge of the tub. Straddle him, facing forward, and lower yourself onto his penis, holding on to his shoulders for support. Keep your knees bent and feet flat as you move up and down or back and forth.
#2. sea horse...@ ocean @_@'

erotic instruction:

erotic instruction:
Have your man lie on his back, facing the ocean, with his legs straight out in front of him and in the water. He can prop himself up on his forearms if he doesn’t want to get his hair full of sand. Straddle his lap while facing away from him and slowly lower yourself onto his member. Rest your hands on his pelvic area or thighs to help propel you
#3. Get a leg up

erotic instruction:

erotic instruction:
Fill the tub with only a few inches of water, then turn on the shower and let it run lightly. Lie on your side, propped up on your forearm. (Bend your knees if you need to.) Lift your top leg, then have your man straddle your other leg. Once he's entered you, rest your lifted leg on his shoulder as he holds on to your elevated thigh for leverage.
#4. Bubbly back float

erotic instruction:

erotic instruction:
Recline in a hot tub with your arms stretched out to your sides, holding on to the edge of the tub for support if you need to. Your partner kneels between your legs, facing you, and lifts you by the backs of your thighs so you're floating off the seat and he can enter you.
#5. Niagara falls

erotic instruction:

erotic instruction:
Facing the faucet, kneel in a tub that’s already filled with warm water. Inch up so your body is very close to the water flow, then lean forward and hold the wall or sides of the tub for balance. Your guy climbs in behind you and, also kneeling, enters you from behind. As he thrusts, guide the water stream with your hand from the faucet or detachable showerhead between your legs.
#6. randy raft

erotic instruction:

erotic instruction:
Climb onto a well-inflated raft in shallow water, and lie on your stomach with your butt and legs dangling over the edge. Your man should grab on to your thighs, as if he were pushing a wheelbarrow, then enter you. He can then pull you incredibly close for the deepest possible penetration.
#7. tawdry tube

erotic instruction:

erotic instruction:
Have your guy sit in an inner tube with his legs dangling over the edge. Then straddle his lap while facing him, and slowly lower yourself onto his penis with your hands on his shoulders or the tube for support. Once he's inside you, begin to rock back and forth. He can intensify the action by grasping your hips to help propel you
B. advanced positions

erotic instruction:
Your man lies on top of you, entering you in traditional missionary style, but then — yowza! — he starts doing a 360-degree spin, all the while keeping his penis deep inside of you. As he's rotating and thrusting, help guide him around your body like a propeller would spin around the top of a helicopter. Make sure to lift his legs when they swing around over your head.
why you'll love it:
Once you make the 360-degree jaw-dropping journey, you and your man will feel like sexual dynamos and may even keep on spinning!
#2. Bootyful view

erotic instruction:
Have your man sit up on the bed so that his legs are extended horizontally toward the foot of the bed. Turn around and straddle him — with your back toward him — and then lower yourself onto his erect penis. Extend your legs back so they are almost behind him, relaxing your torso onto the bed between his feet. Slide up and down and use his feet for leverage.
why you'll love it:
his position allows for great control over speed, depth, and intensity of stimulation. Since you’re facing away, you can feel totally uninhibited, and your partner can enjoy the thrill of the ride.
#3. Carnal crisscross

erotic instruction:
Start by lying on your side with your arms above your head. With your man on his side and his body perpendicular to yours, slowly raise your top leg and let him inch his lower body between your legs. Once you’re joined at the groin, have him grab your shoulders while you anchor yourself on the floor. Both of you will need to hold on tight for this stellar trip!
why you'll love it:
This sideways sex position is one for the record books! On top of the typical thrusting, you two can enjoy some serious shallow grinding. Plus, this new entry angle allows him to explore every inch of your inner sanctum, especially the oft-ignored sides, providing you with an array of lusty sensations.
#4. V is for Vixen

erotic instruction:
Sit on a counter and have your man stand facing you. His legs should be slightly bent, spaced 3 feet apart. With your arms on his shoulders and his arms around your lower back, slowly pull your right leg up and prop your right foot on his left shoulder. Then pull your left leg up and prop your left foot on his right shoulder.
why you'll love it:
Most men are so inflexible, they think a knee bend is an Olympic feat, so he’ll worship you as a sex goddess.
#5. Arc the triumph

erotic instruction:
Have your man sit on the bed with his legs extended in front of him. Crawl up to him on your knees and straddle him, lowering yourself onto his erect penis. Once you’re comfortable, arch into a back bend — but be careful not to strain your lower back. Rest your head between his legs on the bed and reach your hands back to grab hold of his ankles or feet. That’s when he leans forward and the fun begins.
why you'll love it:
For those who are limber enough to last for even a few moments, the payoff is incredible. Throw your head back, close your eyes, and totally let go, because this position will connect you two like no other. Use his legs to brace yourself and add more oomph when you thrust. After this, your man will bend over backward for another all-out sexy panorama of your naked body in his hands.
#6. the X rated

erotic instruction:
This position is all about control — so take it from the get-go and have your man lie faceup on the bed. Turn around and straddle him — so your back is toward him — and then lower yourself onto his erect penis. Extend your legs back toward his shoulders, relaxing your torso onto the bed between his feet. With both your legs and your man’s forming an X-shape, start to slide up and down. Use his feet for added thrusting leverage.
why you'll love it:
Who said guys are the only ones who love X-Rated things? This position gives you total control, so experiment with different types of stimulation to see what pleases you both most. Your man will love relinquishing power and watching you take charge of your own orgasm. It doesn’t hurt to add some X-Rated noises, letting him know just how good he feels.
#7. the head game

erotic instruction:
Start this inverted delight by lying flat on the ground face up. With your hands supporting your lower back, lift your legs and backside way, way up so they're as perpendicular to the ground as you can get them. Have your man kneel before you, grab your ankles, and bring his knees to your shoulders. Then take his hands and ask him to hold your hips — that will steady you both. Hold his thighs for leverage and adjust so your genitals can join for some otherworldly upside-down action
why you'll love it:
Getting into this position, you may feel like you're headed nowhere — but it's totally worth it once you experience the results. The blood rush from your thighs will intensify the sensations in the pelvic region. Plus, your legs are squeezed ****ther over his shoulders, which guarantees a snug, scintillating fit for him.
C. Great position
#1. Lusty leg lift

erotic instruction:
Face your partner, standing with your legs shoulder width apart. Take your left foot and turn it out to the side while keeping your right one facing forward. Have him widen his stance, with his legs about three feet apart, and then ask him to bend his knees ever-so-slightly. Wrap your arms around his neck and have him put his arms snugly around your lower back. Here’s where it gets a little tricky: Pull your right leg up and place your right foot on his left shoulder, keeping your right knee bent. As he slowly enters you, ease into the vertical split by sliding your calf as far up his left shoulder as you comfortably can.
#2. the couch canoodle

erotic instruction:
Have your partner sit back on a couch (or a comfy chair). Straddle his lap with your legs splayed apart and your knees bent up against his chest. Slowly lean back so you're almost upside down with your arms stretched behind you (all the way to the floor) to support your weight and maintain your balance. Thrust back and forth against him, opening and closing your legs.
#3. Hang ten

erotic instruction:
While standing up, bend forward with your legs spread slightly, your back straight, and your hands resting on your knees for balance. Your guy enters you from behind, pulling himself as close to you as possible while holding your torso for support. Have him bring you even closer until your bodies come into full contact. He leans slightly over you to gain pumping power.
#4. Tight Squeeze

erotic instruction:
Lie down on your stomach and, keeping your legs straight, spread them slightly. Rest your arms by your side, or stretch them out in front of you. Have your guy stretch his body over yours, resting on his elbows so he doesn’t place all his weight on you. He then positions his legs outside your legs. As he enters you, close your legs and cross them at the ankles.
#5. Standing tiger/crouching dragon (funny name of style hihi)

erotic instruction:
Pose on all fours with your knees at the edge of the bed while your tiger stands behind you, his feet hip width apart. While he spreads his legs on either side of yours, keep your knees ****ther to narrow your ******l canal, causing it to feel much snugger around his penis as he thrusts. Be sure to let out a fiery dragon’s roar to let him know how you feel!
#6. Dirty dangle

erotic instruction:
Begin by lying on your back at the foot end of the bed. Have him mount you missionary style and when you’re both close to climax, inch toward the edge of the bed until your head, shoulders, and arms hang backward over the side. Then tell him to keep on thrusting.
D. Easy sex position
#1. The soft rock

erotic instruction:
Try this tantalizing twist on the typical missionary position (him on top, you on bottom). Instead of having your man rest on his elbows, ask him to slide two to four inches forward. Have him place his arms on either side of your shoulders, letting his body fall flat against yours. Make sure you both keep your spines straight. With your legs touching his, push your pelvis up about two inches. Your man should push down gently, providing a little counter-resistance. Instead of the usual in-and-out of thrusting, rock up and down
#2. The Torrid triangle

erotic instruction:
At first glance, you might think this is just the same routine missionary position with him on top and you on the bottom. But, of course, there's a secret Cosmo superlift twist! With you underneath him, ask him to get up on all fours. Then raise your pelvis up to meet his penis. Tell him he has to stay put as you start moving your fanny up and down to get frisky.
#3. Saucy spoons

erotic instruction:
Lie on your sides with him behind you so you’re both facing the same direction. Push your butt toward him as he enters you. Put your hand on his and show him how you want your clitoris to be touched. Have him alternate between there and your breasts.
#4. Hot Hula

erotic instruction:
Your guy lies on his back with a pillow propped under his head. Facing him, lower yourself onto his member and put your hands and knees on either side of his torso. Once he’s deep inside you, gently swivel your hips from side to side and, if you want, all around.
#5. G spot jiggly

erotic instruction:
Get down on all fours with your man kneeling behind you and have him plunge inside you, grabbing your rear for balance. A little firm, well-placed stroking of your G-spot can open up a whole new orgasmic world. If he’s the exploring kind, encourage him to thrust far enough inside you so that his testicles hit your body.
#6. Time bomb

erotic instruction:
Have him sit down in a low chair with his legs relaxed. Facing him, straddle him with your feet on the floor, slowly lowering yourself onto his erection with your knees bent at a ninety-degree angle. Start by letting just the tip of his penis enter you, then lower yourself inch by inch until you’re allowing him full entry by bearing all the way down on his thighs.
#7. the cosmo cat

erotic instruction:
Start in missionary with your legs spread just enough to let him enter you, giving him a tight fit and creating more sustained stimulation for yourself. Then have him move about 2 inches higher so his pelvis is aligned with yours (a position that’s referred to as the coital alignment technique, aka CAT). Have him rock back and forth while you thrust your pelvis upward, keeping in sync with him, so your clitoris is hitting his penis’s base.
#8. the figure eight

Lie on the floor faceup with a couple of pillows propping your butt. Keep your knees half bent, your legs splayed wide, and your arms high over your head or holding on to his side (as in the picture) — so that your body is extremely open. Have your partner enter you at a higher angle than usual (the pillows will help), planting his hands on the floor beside your head. He should move inside you with slow, languid figure-eight motions, so that you feel his whole package — his penis plus pubic region. Remember: The figure-eight motion is key to this maneuver.
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