posted by: Dunia Andromeda

This is a series of Superhero inspired ensembles put together by B For Bel from existing clothing lines as part of her Cartoon Closets series. I posted her Avengers (plus Batman and Catwoman) collections after the jump, but if you go to her website and click the superhero you like (YOU HAVE TO CLICK THE IMAGE FIRST), you can hover-highlight each piece of the outfit and it'll show where you can buy it. Then, can come over to my place and we'll pop some popcorn and stay up past our bedtime talking about boys! I'm being serious. HUGE fan of the pillow talk over here. I could talk nail polish till the f***ing sun comes up.
Hit the jump for the rest of the Avengers, but be sure to check out her website for the interactive pictures, as well as a bunch of other collections include The Flintstones, Disney characters, The Simpsons, and a bunch of others.

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